Thursday, April 16, 2009

We're Here!!!!!!!!....and tired...

Well, after 33 hours of traveling we have finally arrived in Montevideo. Tonight it will be nice to sleep in a bed since the last two nights have either been on an airport terminal floor or with our seats and tray tables in the locked and upright position. We learned that Miami isn't a fun place to spend ten hours unless you have a car or someone to show you around (our time was spent either in the airport or in a subway playing various card games).

We arrived here early this morning and were greeted by Siegfried Klaussen. He took us to the OM headquarters which is where we will be staying for the next two weeks before we are moved to the farm. The farm, we learned, is the building site for Eagle's Wings and the future youth center. Also upon arrival wwe met the team that we will be working with for the time that we are here. They consist of Seigfried's family, two Canadians, 4 girls from Paraguay, and 4 natives to Uruguay (of all the natives Darwin is the only name that we remember).

After unpacking we took a walk around the neighborhood to get used to the country a little bit. It is definitely a developing country but not in the third world degree. There are still cars and electricity but the houses are very simple and people don't seem to have a lot. Also, we have already seen proof of what we mentioned about teen homelessness. During our walk we saw 2 young men (probably around our age or a little younger) digging through dumpsters. The other teens that we saw were acting just like American teens do.

Tomorrow we will start our work and get a better idea of what we will be doing during our stay. Thank for your prayers and support, we love you all. Check back soon for our next update.


  1. So you didn't see Will Smith in Miami? That's a shame. Well I'm glad you got there safe, I already miss you guys. I'm gonna have to live without jokes about the summer solstice and snapping. I'm really excited for you both and we're all praying for you =)

    Love Sarah

  2. Glad to see your there!
    Keep up the good work guys, and we will be prayin for ya

  3. I miss you a bunch!! Can't wait to hear what He has in store for you next!

  4. I'm glad you made it there. I can't wait to hear what your next adventures are!

  5. hey guys, we prayed for travel mercies and God said, I AM merciful, gracious and loving! THANK YOU, GOD for keeping Dan and Chris safe, for the work you are giving them, for the work that you will be doing in them, all for your GLORY!

    so, for all recent M's coming and going -- you guys to Uruguay, RCF team to Agua Viva and back last night at midnight, Peissners from Paia, as they do even a bigger puddle jump over the Pacific -- we are excited over all the sending and going and mobilizing, all to make HIS NAME GREAT!

    we'll be praying for you guys. checking this blog for updates is very cool!

    love, thelma&fred
