Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Drunken Escapades in Canada

Disclaimer: This blog actually has nothing to do with being drunk or with Canada. We are just joking about rumors that went around over the weekend. The whole story is too long to tell here, but if you ask we will tell it to you.

So this week seemed to be full of more adventures than any week that we've had so far. Actually it was just the weekend. The week was just a normal week of pruning more trees. We got about to the halfway point of the orchard that Roy would like us to have done by the time we go home. So if it continues to be sunny and nothing goes wrong we should be good.

Now let's get to the exciting part. This past weekend we went with the girls to Buenos Aires, Argentina. We visited a couple, Tanya and Gustavo, who work with OM Argentina to see their ministry and have them show us around the city. We arrived late Friday morning and much to our dismay we discovered that Chris had lost his passport. Chris and Tanya then spent the day at the U.S. Embassy attempting to get Chris a new passport. After $100 and 4 hours of paperwork/processing, they gave him an emergency passport good for 1 year. During this time Dan, Gustavo, and the girls just walked around the city and did a little sight seeing. That night we took the most crowded train we've ever seen to an orphanage. Chris spent most of the time clinging to the side of the train while standing on the entrance stairs. The kids seemed very happy to have us visit. They wanted to show us the presents that they got that day and they all called us Tio (uncle). After the meal we watched Slumdog Millionaire and Gustavo connected that with a good message about how we're all millionaires in Jesus.

Saturday morning we got to see the main part of Gustavo and Tanya's ministry. They both love sports so they minister to kids and teens through different sports activities. On Saturdays they go to a community center and have a volleyball practice for girls. So the girls got to participate while we just watched and helped get the balls. That afternoon we took the train to another town further south called La Plata. Here we met up with a man named Juan who is a youth leader in his church. That night we went to and participated in the youth meeting. Chris shared his testimony and Dan shared about his experiences in Asia. People in Argentina run on a much different schedule than we are used to. Eating dinner around midnight and going straight to bed around 1 is considered normal. So we got to experience Argentinian dinner hours this evening. Needless to say it is nothing that we could get used to.

Sunday and Monday of the trip were some of the first days that we have spent since we got here doing any sight seeing and souvenir shopping. Tanya and Gustavo took us to the different historical places and tourist areas. We were surprised to see a lot of American restaurant chains in the city. Monday night we went back to the port to take the boat back to Uruguay. Chris decided to ask if anyone had found his passport on the off chance that they did. Even after calling on Friday and being told they had found nothing, Chris still walked onto the boat with 2 passports.

Now we are yet again back on the farm and back to pruning more trees. This weekend we will be joining Siegfried and others from the OM team to tour around the country and visit different ministries. We are now at the point where we have only about 2 weeks until we get home. So we will see you guys then or we will catch you on another time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away, Come Again Another Day...

Week five is just about ready to come to a close, and it's honestly been the most uneventful week of the trip so far. Monday was a normal work day, just pruning more trees. Starting Tuesday though, it started to rain and we weren't able to get any work done. It then continued to rain for the next 4 days. When Friday rolled around we had only gotten one row of trees done when the week before we had done about twelve. It got really boring trying to find things to do around the barn.
For the weekend we joined the girls and Darwin at a church close to the farm in order to help them out with their children's and youth programs. The girls spent all of Friday walking around the adjacent neighborhoods telling people about them and that they should come on Saturday. Saturday morning we had the children's program and about 20 kids showed up for it. We played some games with them and it ultimately turned to soccor by the end. It was a lot of fun.

Saturday night was the youth group and that was different story. We went in to the church, opened the doors and sang songs so that people would know that we were there. It ended up just being Miriam, Thirza, Darwin, and us singing songs for 45 minutes or so. We learned that Uruguay is called the graveyard of South America for this reason. People just don't seem to be open to hearing about the gospel. Everyone is comfortable with where they are and no one thinks that they need God. A plus to this is that all of the Christians here are on fire and they don't seem to be discouraged by this. Please pray for all the ministries here and people can start to be more open to the gospel.

After the weekend and all the rain it's just been back on the farm and back to pruning. Today alone we did twice as many trees as we did in the entire week last week. So it will be more of that now until the weekend. This weekend we are joining the girls for a four day trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina and we are excited about it. Check back next week for more exciting manventures of Chris and Dan!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Time has really started flying and it's crazy. It seems like the time is going so fast but at the same time it feels like the trip from the airport with Seigfried was forever ago. That's probably because we have done so much in the short time that we've been here. Now that we have been on the farm for a week we have gotten a routine down and we now know what to expect during the week. The work days have, and will continrue to consist of pruning the 4,000 trees that they have on the farm. So far we have worked on the peaches and the nectarines and will probably get to the plums eventually. If they ripen we will probably be picking lemons also. The work hasn't been too hard but it has kept us busy. The worst thing that's happened so far is Chris kneeling in an ant nest and having to tear his pants off in the middle of the orchard. Working with Roy has helped a little with homesickness because he speaks only English and we can talk to him throughout the entire day. Plus his last name is Kitchen so it makes Dan feel a little more at home.

We have become accustomed to the fact that our weekend plans will be made for us and usually on Friday. Seigfied seems to be pretty late at telling us when we will be doing things, but it's all good. Last weekend we joined a team of Brazilians at a church pastored by Martin, who we helped with the roof tarring. The church had an outreach this weekend that we helped run. The majority of the day on Saturday was having games and other activities for kids. After this we walked around inviting people to the music and preaching that night. About 25 people showed up and we had a gospel presentation, worship, and Dan even played a few songs in English. Sunday we just attended their service and then headed back to the farm after lunch (which was an amazingly awesome BBQ).

This week so far is looking to be a normal week for us. This weekend we will probably be joining the girls from Paraguay to run a youth outreach with a different church. Check back again next week for our next update. BORK BORK BORK!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Home, Home on the Range!!

We have just about reached the end of three weeks, and boy, have we been busy these past couple days! We finally got to finish the ceiling at the OM base and is looking mighty good, but Siegfried wired the lights wrong so its not quite done yet *sigh*. The last bit of work we got to do at the base was to begin painting the house we were staying in. I believe this is the first time we truly got frustrated and in a bad mood while working, because painting white walls white tends to do that to you, especially when you find out later that you are only supposed to put a small coat of paint on at a time, not the five or six that we ended up doing. Paint down here is apparently a lil different than up in the States. The walls soak it up like a dang sponge. And its horrible. But a good lunch and a lil fellowship, along with some prayer, got us back into the groove, and we ended up getting our rooms completely done and the hallway and kitchen ceilings done.

We found out Wednesday evening that we were going to be accompanying the girls to an event called "Proyecto(Project) America" an international community service outreach. We wound up traveling for about four hours to Florida, a city outside of Montevideo, which is really only an hour away. Buses stop EVERWHERE here, impossible to get anywhere quickly. The whole point of PA was to go out in the city to various places, like a high school, prison, poor neighborhoods, and get some work done. We chose to help with the gardening team, so the extent of our Friday invloved machetes and twenty foot bamboo stalks. It was a little too fun to be considered work. Saturday was incredibly slow, we just ended up running errands for all the projects, taking sand, sheet-metal, or lumber on a big truck around town, with hour breaks in between, not fun. Last day was mostly spent cleaning up the high school and getting all the equipment packed up. We decided that we were the only two people who went to this event who did not know how to speak Spanish, which was kind of a bummer because the main speaker sounded like he had some good things to say and was pretty passionate about what we were doin, but we just had no idea what he was sayin and he was too loud for the girls to be able to translate for us. All in all it was a good weekend, lots of work got done, and we had the pleasure of sleepin on foam pads, sweatshirts as pillows, and no showers for four days.

Now that the weekend is over, we have finally been taken to the farm where we are going to be stayin for the remainder of our time down here. Today Roy and Cathy took us on a tour of the place, and we love it. They guessed it was about 40 acres, but it seems to be a lot bigger than that, with lemons, peaches, nectarines, and plums everywhere you look. We look forward to start work here, sounds like we are gonna be pruning A LOT of trees in the next couple weeks, should be a blast.

Thats all for now, we'll see you guys in a jiff