Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Time has really started flying and it's crazy. It seems like the time is going so fast but at the same time it feels like the trip from the airport with Seigfried was forever ago. That's probably because we have done so much in the short time that we've been here. Now that we have been on the farm for a week we have gotten a routine down and we now know what to expect during the week. The work days have, and will continrue to consist of pruning the 4,000 trees that they have on the farm. So far we have worked on the peaches and the nectarines and will probably get to the plums eventually. If they ripen we will probably be picking lemons also. The work hasn't been too hard but it has kept us busy. The worst thing that's happened so far is Chris kneeling in an ant nest and having to tear his pants off in the middle of the orchard. Working with Roy has helped a little with homesickness because he speaks only English and we can talk to him throughout the entire day. Plus his last name is Kitchen so it makes Dan feel a little more at home.

We have become accustomed to the fact that our weekend plans will be made for us and usually on Friday. Seigfied seems to be pretty late at telling us when we will be doing things, but it's all good. Last weekend we joined a team of Brazilians at a church pastored by Martin, who we helped with the roof tarring. The church had an outreach this weekend that we helped run. The majority of the day on Saturday was having games and other activities for kids. After this we walked around inviting people to the music and preaching that night. About 25 people showed up and we had a gospel presentation, worship, and Dan even played a few songs in English. Sunday we just attended their service and then headed back to the farm after lunch (which was an amazingly awesome BBQ).

This week so far is looking to be a normal week for us. This weekend we will probably be joining the girls from Paraguay to run a youth outreach with a different church. Check back again next week for our next update. BORK BORK BORK!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe your time is half gone...we have missed you!
