Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Drunken Escapades in Canada

Disclaimer: This blog actually has nothing to do with being drunk or with Canada. We are just joking about rumors that went around over the weekend. The whole story is too long to tell here, but if you ask we will tell it to you.

So this week seemed to be full of more adventures than any week that we've had so far. Actually it was just the weekend. The week was just a normal week of pruning more trees. We got about to the halfway point of the orchard that Roy would like us to have done by the time we go home. So if it continues to be sunny and nothing goes wrong we should be good.

Now let's get to the exciting part. This past weekend we went with the girls to Buenos Aires, Argentina. We visited a couple, Tanya and Gustavo, who work with OM Argentina to see their ministry and have them show us around the city. We arrived late Friday morning and much to our dismay we discovered that Chris had lost his passport. Chris and Tanya then spent the day at the U.S. Embassy attempting to get Chris a new passport. After $100 and 4 hours of paperwork/processing, they gave him an emergency passport good for 1 year. During this time Dan, Gustavo, and the girls just walked around the city and did a little sight seeing. That night we took the most crowded train we've ever seen to an orphanage. Chris spent most of the time clinging to the side of the train while standing on the entrance stairs. The kids seemed very happy to have us visit. They wanted to show us the presents that they got that day and they all called us Tio (uncle). After the meal we watched Slumdog Millionaire and Gustavo connected that with a good message about how we're all millionaires in Jesus.

Saturday morning we got to see the main part of Gustavo and Tanya's ministry. They both love sports so they minister to kids and teens through different sports activities. On Saturdays they go to a community center and have a volleyball practice for girls. So the girls got to participate while we just watched and helped get the balls. That afternoon we took the train to another town further south called La Plata. Here we met up with a man named Juan who is a youth leader in his church. That night we went to and participated in the youth meeting. Chris shared his testimony and Dan shared about his experiences in Asia. People in Argentina run on a much different schedule than we are used to. Eating dinner around midnight and going straight to bed around 1 is considered normal. So we got to experience Argentinian dinner hours this evening. Needless to say it is nothing that we could get used to.

Sunday and Monday of the trip were some of the first days that we have spent since we got here doing any sight seeing and souvenir shopping. Tanya and Gustavo took us to the different historical places and tourist areas. We were surprised to see a lot of American restaurant chains in the city. Monday night we went back to the port to take the boat back to Uruguay. Chris decided to ask if anyone had found his passport on the off chance that they did. Even after calling on Friday and being told they had found nothing, Chris still walked onto the boat with 2 passports.

Now we are yet again back on the farm and back to pruning more trees. This weekend we will be joining Siegfried and others from the OM team to tour around the country and visit different ministries. We are now at the point where we have only about 2 weeks until we get home. So we will see you guys then or we will catch you on another time.


  1. I'm on a BOAT!!!!! - RObbie

  2. hey guys, what's your ETA on the 10th? can't wait to hear all about your two months in the field!

    He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it! Steve Green sings Phil 1:6

    flayta y telma
